Monday, September 7, 2009

Shopping in Buenos Aires, Part 1

Shopping in Buenos Aires can be an intense experience. The city is big and there are thousands of stores spread out all over.

There are first class antiques and art shops, traditional silversmiths with Old World craftsmanship, polo clothing stores... You will find also design objects, avant-garde fashion and great shopping malls like in New York (Patio Bullrich, Paseo Alcorta, Galerias Pacifico...).
Wine stores, books and of course sweaters and leather goods are everywhere.

From knick-knacks to luxury, it could be an intense but also a fascinating experience. Casual and at the same time sophisticated.
Avenida Libertador 750 (Recoleta) phone 4814 7411
The queen of fashion in Argentina is called Jessica Trosman. Young and very talented, a mix between a stylist and an intellectual, her place is the only way to go if you want to get a new look that marries tradition and innovation.

Avenida Arguibel 2867 (Palermo) phone 4772 1144
Accessories, bags and clothes.
An elegant shop with impeccable service. Most of the objects of desire here are designed by Lucrecia Gamundi.

Avenida Arguibel 2890 (Palermo) phone 4775 5570
Handbags, belts and leather goods along very particular jewelry made by local artisans. Everything here is reasonably priced.

Libertad 1146 (Recoleta) phone 4811 9840
Get ready for shopping, because this place has an almost infinite array of bags, belts, sandals, and leather boots in every possible shape and color. Everything is made by local artisans. They have two other stores in the city.

Del Buen Ayre
Bolívar 929 phone 4361 4534
Great place for that small gift that will scream Argentina (without spending a lot): small jewelry, accessories, vintage things...Very charming.

Comme Il Faut
Arenales 1239, Rue des Artisans Apt. M (Recoleta) phone 4815 5690,
Great store with a luxurious atmosphere (huge mirrors, Louis XV armchairs and a shocking pink sofa...) And then the shoes. Think Sex and the City.

El Salvador 4673 (Palermo Viejo) phone 57776540
Handmade women shoes, boots, sandals and accessories. Think strong colors and innovative and environmentally friendly materials. A little particular in taste, it is very easy to fall in love with the whole line. They only sell in Buenos Aires and London.

Un Lugar en el Mundo
Defensa 891 (San Telmo) phone 4362 3836
One of the first addresses you should write down before your trip if you are into vintage clothing. They have an exceptional variety of bags, shoes and accessories from the 60's and 70's

For Men:

Gurruchaga 1670 (Palermo Viejo) phone 4832 2994
Boutique for men, definitely trendy and with a young clientele. An informal place but with a great personality, with persian rugs on the teak floors and house music pumping from the speakers.
The best? Shetland sweaters, scarves and ties.

Honduras 4876 (Palermo Viejo) , phone 4833 6857
Very cool clothes for men. In a wonderful place with turquoise-painted walls, persian rugs and wood floors we find splendid shirts, sweaters, jackets and accessories.

El Salvador 5960 (Palermo Viejo) phone 4772 2145
Good quality, for the guy in his mid-thirties (but young at heart).

Gurruchaga 1581 (Palermo Viejo) phone 4832 6284
Young and trendy.

Etiqueta Negra
Patio Bullrich Shopping Mall and other locations around town.
High-end and logically expensive, but excellent quality.

Gorriti 5131 (Palermo Viejo) phone 4834 6235
Nice clothes, traditional with a twist. Another location in San Telmo.

Puntos en el Espacio
Perú 979 (San Telmo) phone 4307 1742
A store in which to get men and women clothes, shoes and accessories of good quality at an affordable price. It is difficult to spend over a hundred dollars, and impossible not to buy at least one thing.

Casa López (men and women)
Marcelo T. de Alvear 640 (Downtown) phone 4312 8911
Handmade leather goods. Jackets, clothing, shoes and accessories. Great quality. There is another store in Patio Bullrich Shopping Mall in Recoleta. Very classic.

Everything for polo:
El Boyero (Florida 953 - phone 4312 3564).
With the exception of the horse, you will find absolutely everything for the sport here (or only the clothes if you are just after the look): leather goods, saddles, boots and gaucho knives.

Pasión Argentina (Ravignani 1780 - phone 4777 7550)
You can breathe tradition in this place (think farmers and their ponchos...)Clothes are classic with a modern twist. Worth a visit.

Bookstores and Art Galleries:

El Ateneo Grand Splendid
Avenida Santa Fe 1860 (Barrio Norte) phone 4811 6104
A true reader's Paradise. El Ateneo is the most famous bookstore in town.Located in a former theather where Carlos Gardel used to perform, it offers thousand of books in a magical setting (don't miss the murals on the ceiling). The stage is nowadays a great coffee shop.
You can read more here.

Wussmann Gallery
Venezuela 574 (San Telmo) phone 4343 4707 One of the best art galleries in town, specialized in Contemporary Art.

If you need something for your house (you never know), this is our choice:

Buenos Aires Design
Av. Pueyrredón 2501 (Recoleta), phone 5777 6000
Everything for that remodeling project. All the big names are here: Eugenio Aguirre, Cortes, Barugel Azulay, Iluminación Agüero, Kalpakian...a real who's who in the world of construction and home furnishings in Argentina. All in one convenient place. This is where we shop for our projects in Buenos Aires.

And this is it, at least for now. Also, please remember, stores open and close all the time. Always call ahead before going.
Also, there are some posts coming up about hotels and, by popular request, tango.


  1. Great post! I will be going to Argentina early November and will print out your suggestions...

  2. Dear Francine, have fun in Buenos Aires! November is one of the best months to visit.
    Some more posts about the city coming up

  3. Hi there,

    I'm back again. I was so busy the former days!

    Thank you for the comment on my post! But in fact you were too early , because my post was not finished yet! So it was published before I wanted to! Strange... But ok ,If you like to, please go back and read the rest of my article!

    I wish I could go to Buenos Aires!
    What a list of stores!


  4. Dear Greet, your post was already good!
    Lots of information.

  5. I wish I had this list a few years ago when I went to BA. Great great post! And thanks for that amazing "make my day" comment on my blog!

  6. Dear Photodiarist: A list useful for your next trip to BA, maybe? Your blog is awesome, really! Pictures with a soul.

  7. I'm planning go to Argentina, and I will go to shopping a lot, can you suggest me cheap places in Buenos Aires for shopping!?

  8. I have such fond memories of shopping in Buenos Aires, then having a coffee in San Telmo and dining in one of the many restaurants along side the dique. What an amazing city!


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